Know the risks that threaten corporate IT. RISK ANALYSIS

Talking about IT risks means talking about situations that can potentially compromise at least one of the three information properties: confidentiality, integrity and availability. In the Risk Analysis all these risks are identified.


We study how the IT infrastructure of the organization is structured to identify all the risks to which it is exposed: from those of a human nature (the user who formats the computer) and environmental (earthquake, flooding) to organizational ones (a procedure performed incorrectly), from malicious to accidental risks.

The Steps

  1. Surveywe analyze IT to understand what type of risk impacts, and how, on one or more of the three information properties.

  2. Hypothesis: we calculate the actual risk declining it in the existing context.

  3. Reporting: we draw up a document that illustrates, through reports, graphs and tables, the current state of the risks to which the organization is exposed.

The Results

A photograph of the existing state of the main risks to which the organization is exposed compared to what the system is implemented. Any indications on how to build a practical operational path for the treatment of these risks.

The Expertise

We estimate the risks by going down from time to time in the peculiar context of the organization with suitable tools and calibrating the complexities. We have the right experience to carry out Risk Analysis and propose the necessary operational changes to reduce potential risks.


Over time we have gained the necessary skills to highlight all the aspects that can hinder you in achieving the desired objectives.